Gastroenterologist Reacts to TED Talk on the Gut Microbiome
This video discusses the importance of gut health and the role a balanced diet and other lifestyle measures, such as mindfulness and exercise, play in

6 Ways You Can Become More Likable
This video outlines how meaningful connections with other people are an essential part of effective interpersonal communication. It highlights strategies such as showing genuine interest,

The Secret to Better Work
This content explores how changing our perspective on the world can lead to both greater happiness and business success. By adopting a positive and optimistic

5 Ways To Grow In Consistency
This video provides five essential tips for successfully achieving your goals. It encourages viewers to set realistic goals, create a plan of action, hold themselves

Doctor Reacts to Creativity
This video covers the subject of creativity, inspired by the number one TED Talk of all time delivered by Sir Ken Robinson, Does School Kill

Things You Can Do to Build Your Self-Confidence
This video provides tips to help build confidence, such as getting to know yourself better, setting realistic goals, taking care of yourself, being positive, and