I Need How Much Fiber Every Day???

This video discusses the importance of dietary fiber and its implications on health and wellness. It emphasizes the benefits of consuming high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables, popcorn, chia seeds and whole grain-based cereal, to help reduce cholesterol, decrease the risk of developing heart conditions, increase gut microbiome health, manage glucose levels, and aid in weight loss. It also recommends aiming for whole foods with every meal, such as fruits and vegetables, plus a light salad before the meal, in order to get the most out of a high-fiber diet.


  • Dietary fiber is found in plants like oats, beans fruits and vegetables with two main types: soluble (cilium) which breaks down into water; insoluble which stays intact as it passes through the GI tract.
  • Recommended daily intake of 25-30 grams per day to normalize bowel habits & maintain good gut health; lower cholesterol levels & manage blood sugar levels; help achieve better weight by eating high fiber foods with fewer calories that make one feel fuller longer.
  • Five recommendations to improve dietary fiber content include: eat veggies first at every meal; snack on air popped popcorn without butter or cheese added; eat whole fruits/vegetables instead of juicing them out ; have a high-fiber meal at each meal e.g., cereal w/ berries for breakfast etc.; aim to fill 3/4 plate full of vegetables during dinner time


Now, I know it’s not the most exciting topic that’s out there, but for me as a GI doctor, I love this fiber. Yes, the foundation of your gut health. My favorite topic of all time, yes. Listen, I know not everyone wants to talk about fiber, but I can tell you if you don’t get this fundamental right, your gut is gonna be out of whack.

And there are some simple things that you can do to improve your fiber content. In today’s video, we’ll discuss what exactly is fiber, then we’ll talk about some of the benefits of fiber. And at the very end, I’m gonna give you my recommendations as a poop doctor on what you can do today to improve that fiber content and make someone like B.

So happy guys. Let’s talk about poo. How do y’all, Dr. Islam here, a k a, your poo guru trying to give you yes, you the best tips and tricks so you can live your best life. From the top all the way down to the bottom. You haven’t already consider subscribing so you get more videos like you’re watching in today’s video.

Now you see it in commercials all the time. All these fancy doctors in their white coat, they’re really actors telling you you need to eat more fiber. But why? What’s the big deal? Yo, the dietary fiber mainly found in vegetables and fruits is best known to help combat gut issues like diarrhea and constipation. But there are a lot of other health benefits besides the gut.

Fiber has been shown to help decrease cholesterol, decrease your risk for developing heart issues, increase your risk of developing a healthy gut microbiome, minimizing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. It’s a win-win for everyone. What exactly is dietary fiber? Well, you know, it’s funny because fiber is something that you cannot naturally digest and you can’t get it anywhere else except for in plants and fruits.

And it’s part of the plant that we eat that doesn’t get digested as it’s going through the whole entire GI tract. It stays there the whole time. Now, there are two main types of fiber. There are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, and it’s pretty simple. Soluble fiber breaks down into water, whereas insoluble fiber doesn’t get broken down in water. Now,

soluble fiber can help brain down cholesterol and glucose levels to help affect diabetes. Now, soluble fiber is found in things like oats, beans, fruits, and vegetables. But you wanna look for the word called cilium. That is the key term when you’re trying to find a soluble fiber. Now, soluble fiber, the one that’s not broken down is the one that typically goes through your whole entire GI tract intact.

And because of that, this fiber helps to promote the movement of material all throughout your gut. So items that have insoluble fiber include whole wheat, wheat, brand nuts, beans, and certain vegetables, including cauliflower, green beans and potatoes. And what you want to try and do is to have at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. This is kind of the secret sauce,

the sweet spot of where we want your fiber content to be so you can have better gut issues and lay that foundation for the house that is your gut. Like that analogy. I just came up with it. Hey, wanna thank you for watching? If you haven’t already, don’t forget to smash that like button. Comment down below. So what are the benefits of having fibers?

Number one, it normalizes your bowel habits. If you’re having diarrhea, if you’re having constipation, if you’re having both, the first thing I recommend is to slowly increase your fiber content. That fiber helps to regulate your bowel habits to make you more normalize and to prove your pooping skills. And you know you want to have mad pooping skills. Number two,

it can also maintain your bowel health. The more your gut’s out of a whack, the more issues that you have. Like hemorrhoids, fissures, irritable bowel syndrome, that fiber helps to promote a healthy gut environment. And there are some studies to suggest that fiber can actually even decrease your risk of developing colon cancer. And if you are one of those individuals that have a high risk chance of developing colon cancer or colon pulses,

one natural thing you can do is to improve your fiber content. Number three, lowering your cholesterol. If you have cholesterol issues, anyone to help with that naturally to get down, add more fiber to help decrease your cholesterol and improve what’s going on inside your heart. Number four, help manage your blood sugars. If you’re suffering from diabetes where your blood sugars are outta whack or super high,

dietary fiber can help stabilize that and even decrease those sugars to help treat your diabetes. And lastly, helping you to achieve a better weight. High fiber foods tend to have more filling to them with less calories, so you can actually eat a good amount, fearful quicker and longer, and not have to worry about gaining that extra weight. So now that I talked about how awesome fiber is,

here are five ways I recommend to improve your fiber content. Number one, eat your vegetables and eat them first. Do you guys know what is the best way to improve your gut microbiome? The best way? The number one way that what you can do is have a variety of plants and vegetables. This gives you the fiber to improve your gut microbiome.

And if you have this first, this is going to prevent you from overeating, maybe not eating the best things towards the second half or the later half of your meal. Eat your veggies for every meal and have them first. Number two, eat popcorn. Say what? Yes, popcorn actually is a good source of fiber. Three cups of air popped.

Popcorn has about four grams of fiber. Now keep in mind, this is not popcorn that’s smothered with butter and cheese and salt and whatever junk you want in there. No, it’s air pop popcorn, but it is an excellent source of good fiber. Number three, eat whole fruits and vegetables, but not juice. Juicing is a thing, man. People love to juice all sorts of things.

They juice their fruits, they juice their vegetables, they juice spinach, who knows? But that juicing contact actually gets rid of that fiber. That’s what you don’t want. You get the risk and the problems of juicy all that sugar and all that stuff without the benefits of the fiber content to help balance that out. Don’t juice, don’t get these fruit juices.

Don’t get things that are juiced out there. That’s not gonna be the best way to get your vegetables and your fruits. Number five, try to have a high fiber meal for every meal. Maybe in your breakfast cereal. Have some whole brand, wheated brand. Add some berries on top of that for lunch. Have a salad first because you want to increase your vegetables.

And then lastly, for dinner, try to increase as much vegetables on your plate. In fact, I want you to aim for almost three-fourths of your plate to be full of vegetables. So here’s my call to action to you today, this week I wanted you to add more fiber to your diet, have some salad before you eat. Try to make your plate full of fruits and vegetables,

don’t juice. Do what you can to improve the foundation for your gut health where you can hopefully help out your gut, help out your cholesterol, and maybe even decrease your risk for developing cancer. So my question today for you, what questions do you have about fiber? Have you tried it? Has it worked? Comment down below. I will love to hear what you guys have to say.

But thank you for watching. Don’t forget to smash. That’s like button like Sharon, subscribe. And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to subscribe to a newsletter. We can get great tips and tricks like you’re watching in today’s video. Wanna thank you for watching. Don’t forget, let’s talk about poop. Thanks everybody.